What is faster: vec.emplace_back(x) or vec[x] ?

We at Johnny’s Software Lab LLC are experts in performance. If performance is in any way concern in your software project, feel free to contact us.

When we need to fill std::vector with values and the size of vector is known in advance, there are two possibilities: using emplace_back() or using operator[]. For the emplace_back() we should reserve the necessary amount of space with reserve() before emplacing into vector. This will avoid unnecessary vector regrow and benefit performance. Alternatively, if we want to use operator[], we need to initialize all the elements of the vector before using it.

A common wisdom says that emplace_back() version should be faster. When using emplace_back(), we are accessing the elements of the vector only once, when inserting values into vector. On the other hand, when using operator[], the CPU will need the run through the vector two times: first time when the vector is constructed, and the second time when we are actually filling the vector.

The Experiment

To test the behavior of these two approaches, we conduct an experiment. In the experiment, we are limiting ourselves to a vector of doubles with 256M doubles and 2 GB size. We have a following really simple code for the emplace_back() version:

std::vector<double> result;
size_t size = in.size();

for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {

And here is the corresponding code for the operator[] version:

std::vector<double> result(in.size());
size_t size = in.size();

for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    result[i] = std::sqrt(in[i]);

We are measuring the runtime of the hot loop, as well as the total runtime (including vector initialization). Let’s see if our assumptions about the runtime verify in tests.

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First Results

Here are the first results1:

TotalRuntime: 0.915 sRuntime: 0.815 s
Hot loopRuntime: 0.915 sRuntime: 0.276 s

Unexpectedly, the total runtime for the operator[] version is about 10% faster. But the numbers look weird. There are a few interesting questions about these numbers: (1) why is the total runtime for the operator[] version faster? (2) why is the hot loop runtime for the operator[] 3.2 times faster than emplace_back() hot loop and (3) in operator[] why is the initialization so much slower than the hot loop (0.539 s vs 0.276 s)?

When your debugging effort comes to a standstill and you do not know what to measure, a good approach is to measure everything, then compare the results to try to figure out what’s going on. It is also useful to start to answer the simplest question first and then build on top of that.

Question 1: Why is vector initialization so slow for operator[] ?

The operator[] hot loop runtime is 0.276 s, whereas the vector initialization runtime is 0.539 s. What this means is that initializing the vector was almost two times slower than the hot loop, but this doesn’t make sense. Vector initialization is a simple memset, the simplest of all. In the hot loop we have sqrt which is not a cheap operation. So a natural expectation would be for the runtimes to be reversed – initialization faster and sqrt slower. To understand what is going on, we need to investigate further.

Let’s look at the instruction count and the CPI (cycles-per-instruction) metric for emplace back:

Total336.08 M5.124
Hot Loop335.55 M2.718

These numbers don’t make even more sense. The vector initialization was executing 99% of total instructions, yet it is faster than the 1 % of instructions executed for the vector initialization.

When things like this happen, we are essentially stuck. So, we measure everything. To do this, we are using LIKWID, a tool that can collect hardware counters. In addition, we are using LIKWID wrapper that can measure things like user mode runtime, system mode runtime, pagefaults, etc.

After the measurements, the most noticeable difference between the two codes is the time spent in system mode and the number of page faults. Here are the numbers:

TotalUser: 0.542 s
System: 0.371 s
Pagefaults: 524289
User: 0.366 s
System: 0.454 s
Pagefaults: 524289
Hot loopUser: 0.542 s
System: 0.371 s
Pagefaults: 524288
User: 0.278 s
System: 0.000 s
Pagefaults: 0

These numbers are very revealing. First access to the uninitialized memory allocated by the vector will result in many minor pagefaults. Minor pagefaults happen when a page in virtual memory is not yet backed up by a page in physical memory. When a minor pagefault happens, the kernel takes over to perform the allocation. Switching to kernel and allocating memory is relatively expensive process.

For the emplace_back() version, physical memory allocations happen inside the hot loop, because our test program is accessing memory for the first time inside the hot loop. For this reason we see many pagefaults and large amount of time spent in the system mode. For the operator[] version, the physical memory allocation happens when the vector is constructed for the first time. Therefore, the vector initialization takes so much time. In the hot loop there is no physical memory allocation for the operator[] version; that’s why its hot loop is so much faster compared to emplace_back() hot loop.

We still don’t understand why the hot loop in emplace_back() is slower. Is it only because of the page faults, or something else.

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Question 2: Why is the hot loop in emplace_back() slower? Pagefaults or something else?

To discover this, we need to repeat the same test, but this time emplace_back() needs to work with virtual memory that has already been allocated in physical memory. To achieve this, we need to overwrite the memory allocator for std::vector.

We have created malloc_wrapper and passed it to std::vector. When memory is allocated through malloc_wrapper, it is also initialized to some default value. By doing this, pagefaults move from emplace_back() to reserve() method.

Here are the runtimes, total instruction count and CPI for the two hot loops:

operator[]emplace_back() with preinitialized memory
Runtime0.276 s0.496 s
Instructions335.548 M2952.794 M
Systime0 s0 s

The emplace_back() version is slower about two times, but what surprises is the instruction count. The operator[] version executes almost ten times less instructions, albeit with much lower efficiency (CPI 2.72 vs 0.606).

We do expect that emplace_back() executes more instruction, because it needs to check for array boundaries in each iteration and regrow the array if necessary. But this doesn’t account for 10 times more instructions.

The reason for this large difference in instruction count is typically vectorization: the compiler can emit special vector instructions, which process four doubles in a single instruction. In addition, the operator[] hot loop is without conditionals. We can verify this in two ways: (1) compiler optimization report or (2) looking at disassembly.

We are using CLANG for this experiment, and passing -Rpass=loop-vectorize -Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize -Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize will provide us with the vectorization report. The results are clear: hot loop in operator[] is vectorized; in contract hot loop in emplace_back() isn’t.

Question 3: Why is only the operator[] hot loop vectorized?

The operator[] hot loop is vectorized. The emplace_back() hot loop isn’t. The reason, according to the CLANG vectorization report is loop not vectorized: could not determine number of loop iterations.

The vectorization report indicates that the number of iterations cannot be calculated before the loop starts, but this is not the case. The loop has exactly 256M iterations, so the report is misleading. The real reason is how emplace_back() is implemented!

Inside emplace_back(), two things happen. The code first checks if the size of vector is big enough to hold the next value to insert. If it is not, it makes another call to the system allocator to request a larger buffer, copies the values from the old buffer to the new buffer and destroys the old buffer. After this, the vector is large enough to hold the new value.

When we make a call to reserve(), we know for sure there will be no call to the system allocator, data copying and destruction when emplace_back() is called. But the compiler doesn’t know this. So, the compiler must emit a check if the vector is large enough, and grow the vector if it isn’t. But just having a conditional call to a function, even if the call is never made, is a vectorization inhibitor. The compiler must emit the slower scalar version for calls to push_back() and emplace_back(), even if we know for sure that there will always be enough place in the vector.

Question 4: What is the effect of pagefaults on runtime for the two hot loops?

To understand the effect of pagefaults on runtime, we need to compare both hot loops with and without pagefaults. For the emplace_back() version, we already have two implementations, one with page faults, one without. For the operator[] version, we only have implementation without pagefaults. We can emulate the implementation with pagefaults by using C style array instead of vector. Internally, vectors use C style arrays, so even if the code is not the same, the compiler emits very similar assembly.

Here is the relevant data:

Without pagefaultsWith pagefaults
Hot loop in emplace_back()Runtime: 0.496 s
Instructions: 2952.794 M
Pagefaults: 0
Runtime: 0.920 s
Instructions: 3221.755 M
Pagefaults: 524288
Hot loop in operator[]Runtime: 0.276 s
Instructions: 335.55 M
Pagefaults: 0
Runtime: 0.714 s
Instructions: 336.07 M
Pagefaults: 524288

If we look at these numbers, we see that the slowdown due to pagefaults is constant, 0.424 s for the emplace_back() and 0.438 s for the operator[]. This is the time needed to resolve 524288 pagefaults, which when multiplied by page size of 4 kB, results in exactly 2 GB of data. The time needed per pagefault is about 0.8 μs.

The slowdown due to pagefaults is more pronounced on the vectorized version of the code, since it is faster and more efficient.

Question 5: If the operator[] hot loop is not vectorized, which version is faster then?

Originally, we established that the operator[] version is slightly faster, and this is because its hot loop is vectorized. But what happens if compiler omits vectorization. Which version is faster than? Here are the numbers:

emplace_back()operator[] without vectorization
TotalRuntime: 0.920 s
Instructions: 3221.76 M
Pagefaults: 524289
Runtime: 1.031 s
Instructions: 1611.15 M
Pagefaults: 524289
Hot loopRuntime: 0.920 s
Instructions: 3221.75 M
Pagefaults: 524288
Runtime: 0.491 s
Instructions: 1610.61 M
Pagefaults: 0

Without vectorization, the emplace_back() version is faster, even though it executes almost two times more instructions.

Do you need to discuss a performance problem in your project? Or maybe you want a vectorization training for yourself or your team? Contact us
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We picked this example intentionally to show how deep the rabbit hole goes. What apparently seems to be a very trivial question, “which version is faster” translates into a much more complex question involving kernel space, compiler optimizations and hardware efficiency.

A question you might ask is what happens if the vector holds other types or it is running on other architectures. In principle, if the type stored in the vector is a simple type (not a class or a struct), the loop is often vectorizable and one could expect to see similar numbers as we have seen here. With larger classes, it is the opposite: vectorization doesn’t pay off because of the low memory efficiency, so the operator[] version will in principle slower. But, as always with software performance, the runtime numbers are the ones that give the final verdict.

If you are interested in this sort of performance optimizations, I deeply recommend to read about the essence of vectorization here, and about page faults here.

Do you need to discuss a performance problem in your project? Or maybe you want a vectorization training for yourself or your team? Contact us
Or follow us on LinkedIn , Twitter or Mastodon and get notified as soon as new content becomes available.

  1. Average results, repeated 10 times. The standard deviation for all the experiments was very small and therefore not reported. []

5 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I would be interested if this is a vastly superior approach;

    std::vector data;
    data.reserve(100); // Reserve space for 100 elements

    int* ptr = data.data();
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    ptr[i] = someValueCalculation;

    data.resize(100); // Update the size to reflect the actual elements

    1. Again, the resize function can change the content of the vector (e.g call a constructor or initialize it to zero). This is undefined behavior (but it would probably work in most scenarios if the types are simple).

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