A story of a very large loop with a long instruction dependency chain.
All posts tagged instruction level parallelism
Hiding Memory Latency With In-Order CPU Cores OR How Compilers Optimize Your Code
Posted on Author Ivica BogosavljevićPosted in Memory Subsystem Performance, PerformanceLeave a Reply
We investigate techniques for hiding memory latency on in-order CPU cores. The same techniques that the compilers employ.
When an instruction depends on the previous instruction depends on the previous instructions… : long instruction dependency chains and performance
Posted on Author Ivica BogosavljevićPosted in Computational Performance, Low Level Performance, PerformanceLeave a Reply
This post has a second part, the same problem is solved differently. Read more. In this post we investigate long dependency chains: when an instruction depends on the previous instruction depends on the previous instruction… We want to see how long dependency chains lower CPU performance, and we want to measure the effect of interleaving…
Instruction-level parallelism in practice: speeding up memory-bound programs with low ILP
Posted on Author Ivica BogosavljevićPosted in Low Level Performance, Memory Subsystem Performance, PerformanceLeave a Reply
We talk about instruction level parallelism: what instruction-level parallelism is, why is it important for your code’s performance and how you can add instruction-level parallelism to improve the performance of your memory-bound program.